Enrolling Your Stallion

Enrollment is $500 each year per stallion plus the donation of a breeding to be sold at 1/2 of its advertised fee or a $400 minimum if less or Private Treaty. Breedings are sold on a first come first serve basis. Junior stallions are given the opportunity to enroll with just the stud service donation and begin paying the annual $500 fee when their foals are yearlings and thus eligible for competition.
Every stallion will be promoted via CA$H FOR COLOR’s advertising program which includes social media, show promotion, email marketing as well as mainstream industry media and magazine ads making this program an excellent investment for the promotion of your stallion.
When a stallion’s enrollment is paid and their breeding sold, all of their Nominated Color registered offspring will be eligible to show in that current years show.
Stallion owners will be paid 10% of all monies won by competing offspring and will also receive 1 free Foal Nomination each year to be assigned to a foal owned by them by their stallion by December 30th.
Nominate Eligible Offspring
For offspring owners, the foal nomination process is simple. The one time $200 fee will nominate any age offspring by an enrolled stallion. There is no sliding scale for nomination and the nomination transfers with the horse if/when it changes owners for life. ***Offspring must be Nominated to the Program in order to compete in CA$H FOR COLOR classes..